The Renovation of Jules

Monday, August 1

Watch Out Sarah Ulmer

I am kicking arse with the biking. Last Thursday did 10km in 26mins08secs and today pumped it up another level and did 10km in 24mins and 44secs. Still have to develop my scenic route page thingy but will get on to it.

Blair is away working in Queenstown at the moment and I am missing him terribly.

Have been eating within points and getting plenty of protein, fruit and veges. As for the little picture that was the last entry, I needed to post it to get it as my profile photo. I love the gown. And sort of imagine myself slim and prancing around the fields with nature looking awesome.

Am going to take the lead of a few others and attempt the C25K running programme. Will start on the 1st of September as that is technically the start of Spring here. Apparently you go from no running to running 5K in 9 weeks. I used to be a good cross country and 800m runner and short sprinter when I was younger. But I haven't run in a very long time. We are talking about 10 years people. So am looking forward to pounding the pavement again soon.

Short post, back tomorrow.

Posted by Jules :: 8:22 pm :: 2 Comments:

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