The Renovation of Jules

Friday, September 15

A Lady of Leisure

Well, we all know that title is a bit ridiculous considering the three offspring I have and the neverending naturopathy units but, I have officially finished working and am now a stay at home mum! I was due to finish work last Friday but got forced to finish on the Wednesday by the gestapo at the Christchurch Women's Hospital who, on one of my routine checkups, wouldn't let me leave because my BP was 174/108. I only ended up in for a day and a night and got released on MEDICATION!! Now we all know what a huge thing it is for me to take meds after the Methyldopa affair but I have been a good little guinea pig and done as I have been told. My BP had come down before I got my first dose anyway.

I now have had a week at home and have not done one little bit of study or naturopathy work. Meds make me a little drowsy and I have a lovely face rash to go with it - lovely looking like a drowsy sleepy dopey drug addict when I pick the kids up from school!!

Being at home with Phoebe is proving great fun but she is definitely a handful. How my mother didn't lose a stone running around after her I do not know.

Posted by Jules :: 10:14 am :: 6 Comments:

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Friday, September 1

The Almighty Jules

Okay, just over a month ago I did the previous deep and dark post. 2 weeks later my grandmother died, less than four weeks after being diagnosed with cancer. We travelled from Christchurch (where we live) to Invercargill (bottom of south island, 7.5 hours drive away) for the funeral and I did get to spend the week before she died seeing her four times. I was amazed at the speed at which the cancer took over and even more amazed at the faith my grandmother had in her religion. She was a devout catholic and her beliefs shone through in her last couple of days. And it struck me that, it doesn't matter what you believe in, as long as you believe in something. And, that could be where I am going wrong. I don't believe in myself, the Almighty Jules. Who else can be the strength for your own soul? My workmate had her baby early around the time of my last post. At 23 weeks pregnant. Amazingly her wee girl is still alive and fighting strongly to be here. She has had to have high doses of steroids and she has recently had a stomach infection, a drop in heart rate and a suspected seizure. Amazing what medical science can do these days although the outlook, if she lives, is pretty bleak but you can never tell what miracle is going to happen.

I am finding it really hard to blog at the moment, not because I have nothing to say but more because I have been so busy with funerals, work, sick children and just existing as a full time working pregnant mother of three, that when i have enough time to blog it normally means that I am at a moment of rare peace in my hectic day and as soon as I stop my eyelids drop and I just want to go to sleep. I am struggling right now to stay awake just to get this brief post out to my loyals!! I finish work next Friday and it will be great, although hard on the pocket. I then have 5 weeks until my naturopathy exam (Oct 14th) and still have a heap of units to complete. My Blood pressure has been fantastic and I think we have decided to put the Aussie move on hold for a couple of years, if not more. Realistically, I will struggle so much without my support network and I need to set a stable environment in place for my evergrowing family.

As far as weight goes, I think I am up about 6kg since pre pregnancy. I am 28 weeks next week so I am not sure that things have been all that healthy. Although, my mother keeps telling me I am losing weight and I must admit, I had to buy a skirt for my grandma's funeral and maternity clothes for the 100kg plus are not easy to find - so I went to Farmers and found a lovely skirt. Brought it in a size 20 and it is still too big for me but will at least get around my waist. So I haven't seemed to put too much weight on really but am retaining a heap of fluid. I am literally nearly falling off my perch with sleepiness so will try and update again much sooner than last time.

Posted by Jules :: 10:06 pm :: 10 Comments:

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