The Renovation of Jules

Wednesday, October 12

Wednesday Weigh In - Week ??

Start Weight: 109.8kg
Goal Weight: 65kg
Current Weight: 102.8kg
Loss/Gain this week: -1.0kg
Kgs Lost so Far: 7kg

Yes dedicated followers!! A two week absence doesn't seem to have been too bad for the "oh so natural" one. A 1.0kg loss!! And all while desperately needing to do No. 2's. For some unknown reason my body goes into "nervous tension" mode on Weigh in day and something stops my colon from working normally.

Still leaves me 4kg to hit the 10% mark by next week and 2.9kg to get to the magic "90's" by my 30th birthday. But, as I said yesterday, as long as I am happy and healthy and moving in the right direction - things are great!!!

Got up this morning, biked my 5km in 13mins 26 secs, organised as hell, beds made, dishes done, out the door, at work on time. Weetbix (well technically - Vitabrits, they are 98% wholegrains so I tried them instead) and banana with lite soy for breakfast. K-time raspberry and yoghurt twist bar for morning tea. 98% fat free honey roasted chicken breast, feta, tomato and lettuce sandwich for lunch with a pear and a Yoplait Cheesecake yoghurt. Dried apricots for afternoon tea and my favourite Lasagne for tea. This is about 9.5pts for a big piece of Lasagne. Uses fresh lasagne sheets, premium lo fat mince, pasta sauce and - the cheese sauce is only put on the top and it consists of a 250g pottle of garlic and chives cottage cheese and a 250g of lite cream cheese mixed. Topped with a sprinkling of grated edam cheese. Yummi'flipin'licious.

Really enjoyed my WW meeting. Was great and I got a free "Change 4 Good" booklet and this is a wee quote out of it that I loved and totally identified with:

Babies learn to walk like this:

Start out well.... Fall down... Crawl back into position.... OK. Time to get up again

None of us would ever expect a baby to simply get up and walk, but some of us do expect that we can go from our start weight to our Goal weight without any "whoops", "ouch" or toe-bumping moments.
Humans are imperfect creatures (sorry to say) and as humans, we can all expect some setbacks along any path to change.

I will leave you with that!!

Posted by Jules :: 7:51 pm :: 9 Comments:

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