The Renovation of Jules

Friday, September 23

Random Drug Testing, Peta's Perspective and Changing Uniforms

Why is it that a school decides to change their summer uniform without informing the parents?? I went to the kids' school website to check what socks the boys should wear in summer and found that the whole girl's uniform has been changed. I have just shelled out for white ankle socks for Peta and now I find that they should now be navy or grey ankle socks. And they no longer wear navy cullottes, they now wear navy drill shorts. You think they would let the people that buy the friggin uniforms know this vital information. Buggers.

My poor wee 6 year old ("I'm nearly 7 Mum!!") is going through the horrible joys of life at the moment. She has a little friend at school that just went on a little holiday to the Australian Gold Coast. She told a couple of her wee friends, including Peta, that she would be bringing them back a present. Peta was very excited about this. I tried to let her be aware of the fact that people don't always do what they say they are going to do and to not be disappointed if she didn't. Anyho, this wee lass got back this week and brought 3 presents to school for, supposedly, the 3 girls she had said she was going to bring them for. As school girl relationships have it, she has decided that one of the other girls will get a present ahead of Peta. Now, my wee Peta is a very emotional wee lass. She has a great heart and goes out of her way to be nice to people and, even though it has happened a number of times, refuses to believe that people won't stick to what they say. This morning she came out with a shoe box full of little beads and a couple of crayons. She said "Mum, I hope you don't mind but I am going to give this present to O (little holiday returning girl)". I opened the box and inside was a note to O.
Dear O, you have one lovele present left. You pinke promsed me that you would bring me a present. Luv Peta

Ohh bless. The wee darling is already learning how to guilt people into doing stuff. There were much tears as I explained that she would not be able to take that "gift" and that it was not really appropriate to give O the note. I explained all about friendship being about the memories and feelings and comradery and to not get hung up on the gift. She cried more and told me she was angry at O for promising and then not doing what she said. I explained that this happens all the time in life and that she should not be angry but stand proud and deal with it strongly. Ben (my middle child, 5 yrs) gave her a hug and said "It's your birthday soon Peta and you will get a hundred presents so don't worry". Children. We have so many lessons to teach them.

As for the Random Drug Testing: Has anyone ever had a contract that has Random Drug Testing written into it? I have not yet signed my contract and am going to be questioning the inclusion of this clause. I mean, I am the administrator for an accountant, why the hell the need for such an invasive random procedure. It says, failure to comply with required tests for non-prescription drugs, stimulants and alcohol will be classed as serious misconduct and result in immediate dismissal. it does not say what will happen if you willingly do the tests and come up with a positive result. I am going to enquire more. I don't have a problem - I quite openly admit to having the occasional green cigarette over the course of a year. I do not smoke on any big level. Probably once a month in social situations - if that. But, I do not see what that has to do with my employer!! I am not flying a plane or working on high buildings. I am sitting in a friggin office. This is a dilemma for moi as I am quite high on sticking to my own ethical and moral high ground (excuse the pun). Any advice, experience, comments would be much appreciated.

Posted by Jules :: 10:16 am :: 8 Comments:

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