The Renovation of Jules

Thursday, September 8

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

I have decided that I give great advice, especially via comment boards, but I am shit at actually following any of that advice myself. I always go on about the no fail environment and weekly weigh ins. Lately I have constantly kept refilling the cupboards and fridge to be a HUGE failure of an environment. And I am jumping on my home scales every time I friggin well pass them. I am going to give them away to my mother. She may not want them but she is going to get them. Once again, I did not go to Weight Watchers last night. I was planning to but Blair rang me at 5pm (meeting is at 6pm) to say that he was still in Church Bay, about a 45min drive away and that they were still bucketing cement down a steep slope and that he would be home in about another 2 hours. When he got home he was starving so the planned salmon and salad just wasn't going to cut it. So, how did I counteract his hunger. I went and got us all fish and chips and I got coke and I got two giant Trumpets. Not just the normal size ones but the giant mother f-ker ones that would feed a small nation for a few months. As it turns out we didn't eat the Trumpets, they are still in the freezer tempting the hell out of me right now. But I did have a fish, a hot dog, chips and a piece of bread with butter on it. And two glasses of coke. That's right, washed down the gallons of fat with some fizzy, stomach lining dissolving, sugary poison. Why do I fall off the wagon with such a thud at the smallest window of opportunity?? I wank on about getting healthy and setting the house up full of veges and fruit and it is all just crap. When it comes to the actual shopping, I buy more and more shit. Yesterday I refilled the biccie tin with chocolate stripes. And I got a bag of Grainwaves Select just in case we had the nibble desires later on in the evening. I wish some personal trainer and nutritionist guy would come to my house and throw out all the shitty processed fatty sugary crap and replace it with healthy seeds and nuts and salmon and good stuff. And I wish I just had the gumption to stick to my plans that I seem to make on a weekly basis.

I weighed myself last night on my scales - my official weigh in for the week - and was 101kg. Who knows what that would be on the weight watchers ones!!

I should go and get myself a copy of that book that everyone seems to go on about: Confessions of a Reformed Dieter by AJ Rochester. Maybe that would kick start things again.

Work shoes: found!!

Went to Dowsons yesterday and found a pair that fit okay. They are wide and have only have a little bit at the front so there is plenty of room for the fluid to puff out. I ended up buying two pairs as they were only $29.95 each and full leather. I got one black pair and one red. That is one problem solved.

Posted by Jules :: 12:50 pm :: 12 Comments:

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