The Renovation of Jules

Friday, October 7

Burnt on Trademe

Okay, so - after singing the praises of Trademe I have to say I have had my first bad experience. I paid for 2 pumpkin patch tops and an urban angel skirt for Peta.

Here is the photo that was on TradeMe:

What arrived was the items that were listed and shown, but in a disgusting state. The white top is all stained and filthy. I wouldn't even stick something like that in a clothing bin! The pink top has a yellow stain on the back that is gross and the skirt has been ripped down one side and had a hatchet job done on it to sew it up. I was so gutted. I don't expect brand new items but I think it is only common decency to write in the auction if the stuff is shit!! I am going to post the worst comment. I have emailed but the bitch hasn't bothered to reply to me so she is getting the feedback from hell!!

Have had so many great suggestions on how to avoid the "danger zone". Thanks guys. Zara, I think taping the piehole shut is probably the most drastic yet probable the most workable!! LOL. The suggestions that I have dinner earlier is great but not practicle. The danger zone is 5pm till dinner is served. I finish work at 5.15pm and then go and pick the kids up and will arrive home at around 5.45pm. Then I have to make tea. Blair has said he is going to pick his game up as he finishes at 4.30pm and will be home before me and said he will make dinner/tea. The likelihood of this actually happening is about 0.00001%. It may happen for a day or two but he will soon slip into male mode and expect one of my culinary delights. Actually, I have to be fair, I find his cooking rather substandard. I am a bit of a control freak and find that he does things his way and they are just not up to par!! I know, it is terrible of me and I will probably have to build a bridge. So, the suggestions of healthy snacks are probably the ones I will go with. KiwiGalsRock, I would love to go to the gym after work but three little darlings demand that I don't have that luxury!!

I have a great thing happening. Blair is deciding that he wants to eat all healthy and get fit too. Now, this makes things a lot easier in the fact that I will be able to create the famous "no fail environment" that I have always longed to have. I mean, it is all fine and dandy to dictate what the kids will have but Blair is another story. Actually, he has the cheek to suggest that he becomes my trainer. Trainer in what?? Bloody drinking and eating. Men always think they can kick your arse in anything don't they? I suppose the upside of this is that I am determined to get way fitter than him and be able to say "Train that mother f*%er"!

Food has been average. The bread is the demon in my house at the moment. Jen has a great entry on sugar/carbs etc which I really related to and am hoping that I can implement a bit of her ideas. I mean, no bloody white carbs or processed sugary crap would be a start wouldn't it. I think I radiate to bread because it is so easy just to slap some spread on and shovel in.

Enough whining. Ciao

Posted by Jules :: 8:10 am :: 8 Comments:

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