The Renovation of Jules

Monday, October 10

Yay, Things Are Pumping

Things just seem to be falling into place, finally.

First day officially at work today and I was on fire. Started with having the house and kids etc all sussed last night. Now, I got up at 6.20am and biked 5km in 13 mins and 24 secs. Then I cooked up some brown rice for my lunch. Mixed it with some tinned salmon and some sweet chilli sauce with ginger and coriander. Had a tamarillo before I biked to give me that little carb boost. Read on the Special K Duathlon website, under the nutrition part, (or was it the training part?), that it was important to have a drink and a small carb portion before exercising. So I had a tamarillo
and a glass of water. Had two more tamarillos for morning tea. Then had my brown rice and salmon creation for lunch. No afternoon tea and came home and had to scrape together a dinner made out of whatever was left in the house. Day 14 of our fortnightly pay period and it was old mother hubbards house. We had Watties Steakhouse patties and veges. Not very exciting but completely in my points.

So how is this for my first working day: exercise - check, organised - check, enjoyed work - check, healthy eating - check, water - check, no snacking after work - check, completely within points - check. Friggin legend - check.

Posted by Jules :: 8:56 pm :: 8 Comments:

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