The Renovation of Jules

Monday, July 4

Oh Dear

I didn't make the exercise today which puts me behind with only Tuesday and Wednesday left to exercise 3 more times. But, I can still do this. I can walk tomorrow and do some Tae Bo or some exercycling. Or I can do two lots of biking. Whatever, I will exercise 3 more times before the end of Wednesday. My eating has been pretty okay but not very healthy nor varied. End of the fortnightly pay period you see. Not much in the house and having to just make the most of it. Had a lovely brown rice, salmon and tangy tomato relish dish for lunch on Saturday (free day). All it involved was some boiled brown rice, half a can of salmon and half a tablespoon Cerebos Tangy Tomato relish. It was damn delicious. I know, you all think it sounds gross but, I reassure you, it was not. Have spent most of today revamping my CV as I saw a job that I would love advertised on Seek. It was for a receptionist at a Natural Medicine Clinic on my side of town. I don't really want to go back into work yet but I really need to for the sake of some cash. Am looking at different options but the job jumped out at me when I was browsing. Anyho, spent hours revamping and streamlining the old CV and then finally got hold of the HR chic at Coverstaff and she said "sorry, you have no medical receptionist experience and I have 2 applicants that have so I am only putting them through to the employer". No, I don't have any medical reception experience but I have a shitload of reception experience, a heap of temping experience and am a couple of papers off completing my ND!! Sometimes people can be so black and white. Only way I would get a look in would be if the employer to be doesn't like the other two perfect applicants. Then, Phoebe came down with a bit of a gastro bug with a crampy tummy etc. It all sort of made me think, she really is too young to head off to work. I may just have to do some work from home like typing or something. Maybe I could sew cool clothes and sell them on TradeMe.

As we just received a $297 powerbill, I will not be affording Weight Watchers for the next couple of weeks. Downside of being in the lower class!! LOL LOL!! I really don't want to miss the meetings or the weigh ins, but you have to do what you have to do. No point in weighing at home as those scales say I am a couple of kgs lighter than the CC's ones (Chub Club!!). But, I will not stop tracking and, who knows, a stroke of luck may just come my way.

Posted by Jules :: 11:22 pm :: 2 Comments:

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