The Renovation of Jules

Tuesday, June 14

Perfecting Points

Have posted photos below of Peta and Ben but have no current ones available of Phoebe. All recent photos of her are on my sister's and my parent's digital cameras. Will have to get them to send me some. So don't despair I will let you see my precious wee light shade lover soon.

I am doing so damn fine even if I do say so myself. I have just kicked arse in the last two days as far as sticking to points. Exercise is still an issue, made even worse when Blair came home and decided he was gonna get healthy. He zipped out to the "cemetery sleepout" and did a workout on his weightbench. Barstard!! Why can he just do that?? For one, cos I was busy making dinner, feeding baby and listening to other kids reading books. I may have to pull the Billy Blanks videos out and get my butt Tae Boeing.

I have had butter today, which is against my dairy free thingy and also against my "lose weight" thingy. It was all part of my points and, I know it doesn't make a scrap of difference, but it was Lite. I was craving it!! I wanted it and I NEEDED it!! So I had it. I thought it was better to have some if I was craving it rather than not have it and then lose it in an uncontrolled manner later in the day and just "butter out". I thought I did quite well so any comments on how cool I am would be fine.

By the way, how many of you out there are lurkers?? I have had two comments on the last entry (thanks Kate and Karen) but nearly 50 visits!! Are there a lot of silent lurkers out there?? Don't be afraid to say hi - I don't bite or even lick!!

Posted by Jules :: 12:42 pm :: 2 Comments:

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