The Renovation of Jules

Monday, June 13

When the Plan is Challenged

Now, we all realise that planning works for me - along with a big dose of accountability. So, latest question is: How do I manage when someone disrupts my plan??

Today had all the days points all planned out and only came in at 26.5pts which left me a couple up my sleeve for "unexpected occurences". I had a HUGE bowl of porridge and a piece of fruit bread for breakfast and was about to tuck into my morning tea (a Baked Oaty Apricot Chocolate Slice muesli bar and two mandarins) when an old mate turned up out of the blue. She came in full of yarns and we had a coffee (with no biscuits might I add!!) and I thought to myself, I'll wait until she goes and I'll have my morning tea then - no drama! But she stayed for nearly two hours!! By the time she left I was RAVENOUS and it was past lunchtime, let alone morning tea time! I was starving so quickly made my cup of soup and some toast with hommus on it. While the jug was boiling I stuffed down the Baked Oaty thingy and then I had a few crackers with hommus for good measure. Then a couple of weight watchers cookies. Brilliant thing is that I have pointed it all and, due to my having points up my sleeve, will still come in under budget. But (and a big but it is), I clearly showed that when thrown out of the plan I go to shit. I need some strategies for dealing with this as I obviously will have many plan detours. This is just life. Any tried and true tips would be much appreciated.

I am going to try and get a picture across of me at the same weight I am now. It is of me and the kids on Clyde Dam near Alexandra in Central Otago. Hopefully it works. I am new to the whole Hello, blogger, photos thing. The old diary-x site with geocities backup was basic and annoying but very user friendly.

Does anyone watch Lost? I love it. I loved Roswell too when it used to be on. Tonight is a sad episode of ER (when aren't they??) so I am going to get ready for having "ER eyes" tomorrow.

For any that are interested:

Phoebe is doing great. She is 10 weeks old in 2 days and is growing so much. She smiles all the time and her favourite thing in the house are the lightshades. For some reason she is obsessed with them. They get more smiles than the rest of us combined. Strange Child.

Posted by Jules :: 2:25 pm :: 2 Comments:

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